Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain Delays

Yesterday began with me waking up extremely early for work. Working with the shipment team is rough, but I do get a first look at all of Old Navy's new clothes! I felt exhausted at work even though I went to be earlier than I normally do for the 6 AM shift. Does anyone else ever feel more tired when they get more sleep and have to wake up early? I know I usually feel better on less sleep when I have to be up early.

Even though I felt exhausted, I mustered up the energy to go to yoga with my friend, Haley. It was my first time doing yoga since Christmas, and I honestly had trouble keeping up with the class. Our instructor focused on planks into push-ups for the first half of the class. My shoulders kill today. Sometimes I feel weird doing yoga in front of other people. I try to incorporate yoga at least once a week into my work-out routine, but it's easy to see some of the other people in my class go daily. They are way more advanced when it comes to some of the funky moves. After yoga I went home and made a Lean Cuisine for lunch and took a long nap.

Tuesdays are Lady's Nights at the casino just on Texas/Oklahoma border so my mom, brother, Shane, and I decided to take a little trip. After about an hour in the car, we arrived! Shane and my mom were planning on playing in the poker tournament but as soon was we got into the casino, bad weather hit the area including a torando near by. Everyone had to take percautionary measures and stay in one area of the casino. 30 minutes later the tornado had passed and Shane and my mom played poker. While they did that, I took advantage of the Lady's Night incentive and played with 20 free dollars on the slots. Shane joined me shortly. Luck wasn't on his side in the poker tournament. A little while later, more bad weater hit and everyone was brought to one area again. My mom recieved a refund for the tournament's entry fee, and we bolted.

Driving home the weather report spotted severe stroms coming our way. We kept our fingers crossed that we would miss the bad weather, but about 30 minutes from home, we got hit with a terrible storm. Sheets of rain and hail came pouring from the side. Cars were only going about 30-40 mph while driving with their emergency flashers. I was so nervous and scared! Thank goodness Shane was driving because I would've had a nervous breakdown. My car is so light and little, I was afraid we would get blown of the road. After about 20 minutes in the storm, it cleared up enough that we could get home without trouble. Dallas/Ft. Worth has seen some terrible weather this month, so hopefully it'll stay clear for a while so everyone can enjoy their summer!

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